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Guardian Service Oval Meat Platter

Guardian Service Oval Meat Platter #1Guardian Service Oval Meat Platter #2Guardian Service Oval Meat Platter #3Guardian Service Oval Meat Platter #4Guardian Service Oval Meat Platter #5
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This circa 1950 heavy textured aluminum Guardian Service Ware oval meat or serving platter by Century Metalcraft doubles as a lid for the roasting pan. It's 15 inches long handle to handle by 10-1/4" wide. Shiny and spotlessly clean with no stains or grease residue, ready to use. The last picture shows the Guardian glass roaster lid available in my shop that fits this platter perfectly.

Manufacturer Century Metalcraft
Price: $36.00
33.02 EUR 27.52 GBP 5,377 JPY