The glass in this Pyrex Flame Ware range top coffee pot has a faint blue tint to the body. It stands 7 inches high (6" without the lid) and comes complete with stem, basket & cover, and glass lid. It's marked with the Flameware logo and is numbered 7756-B on the stainless steel band and bottom. The percolators were discontinued, along with all the other Flameware products still in production at the time, in 1979.
The pot is complete with all parts and is in excellent, super clean condition. The only flaw is what looks to be a flaked chip at the base of the glass stem. I say looks to be because it's incredibly smooth, I can see it but can't really feel it on either side. There are no stains, no rust to the metal parts, and the bottom of the pot is virtually free of scratches or burner wear. The percolator was obviously very gently used and very well cared for.