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Twelve Glorious Angels Christmas Ornaments Set

Twelve Glorious Angels Christmas Ornaments Set #1Twelve Glorious Angels Christmas Ornaments Set #2Twelve Glorious Angels Christmas Ornaments Set #3Twelve Glorious Angels Christmas Ornaments Set #4Twelve Glorious Angels Christmas Ornaments Set #5
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A boxed set of 12 paper mache or decoupage ornaments, each with lacquered paper images of old fashioned Victorian style angels. The ornaments are fairly large, about 3-1/2 inches diameter with braided red cotton hanging loops attached to a little brass cap at the tops. All are in excellent condition with no tears, wear or damage. The original box has minor wear around the lid edges but no tears or splits. All the white spots in the photos are from the camera flash and window reflections - the paper is quite glossy.

Manufacturer Asian Export
Price: $28.00
25.68 EUR 21.41 GBP 4,182 JPY