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Anchor Hocking Royal Ruby 8.5 Inch Serving Bowl

Anchor Hocking Royal Ruby 8.5 Inch Serving Bowl #1Anchor Hocking Royal Ruby 8.5 Inch Serving Bowl #2Anchor Hocking Royal Ruby 8.5 Inch Serving Bowl #3
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This 1950s Royal Ruby red glass serving bowl was made by Anchor Hocking in their R1700 line. The company called it a large berry bowl in their catalogs. It measures 8-1/2 inches diameter by 3 inches deep. The bowl is in perfect condition with original gloss and no damage, not even stacking, storage, or utensil marks.

Manufacturer Anchor Hocking Glass
Price: $30.00
28.35 EUR 23.49 GBP 4,515 JPY