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Bretagne 2 French Lead Crystal Pair Champagne Flutes

Bretagne 2 French Lead Crystal Pair Champagne Flutes #1Bretagne 2 French Lead Crystal Pair Champagne Flutes #2
In Stock 1

These 24% lead crystal champagne flutes were made in France by Cristal d'Arques (Durand) in the early 1990s. They feature paneled bowls, feet, and stems with elongated diamonds at the bowl base, all combining to beautifully reflect color and light. The goblets are 8-1/4 inches high and hold 6 ounces. Both are in excellent, crystal clear condition with no damage. Price is for the pair.

Manufacturer Mikasa
Price: $25.00
22.44 EUR 18.92 GBP 3,517 JPY