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6 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies

6 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies #16 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies #26 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies #36 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies #46 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies #56 Vintage Hand Crocheted Doilies #6
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These vintage hand crocheted doilies came from the same estate near Jackson Hole Wyoming. One was left out of the main photo - it's shown in the second picture, an intricate, almost spider web white spoked doily in single, double, and chain stitches, made with very thin, fine gauge cotton thread. This is the largest of the lot at 15" diameter .

The pink roses and white 5-petal doily is 13 inches diameter. Like most of the others, it needs to be cleaned, blocked, and starched but is in excellent condition with no stains or damage.

Next is a white 5-point pineapple doily, 12" diameter. The small linen doily with scalloped crochet edging is slightly oval shape, 8 by just over 9 inches. The two rectangular doilies are 12 by 8 and 15 by 10 inches. None have any tears, holes, or loose stitches.

Manufacturer Mid Century American Production
Price: $10.00
9.70 EUR 8.13 GBP 1,577 JPY