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Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate

Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #1Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #2Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #3Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #4Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #5Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #6Antique Chinese Canton Enamel on Copper 10 Inch Scenic Plate #7
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A larger piece of antique Chinese painted Canton enamel on copper plate, 10-1/2 inches diameter. Most Canton enamel pieces are smaller trinket type items, usually 4 to 5 inches. The hand painted enamel decoration features an outdoor scene - a group of Asian ladies with musical instruments and a table set for tea. Trees, shrubbery, mountains, and possible water are in the scene. The purple scalloped rim is decorated with colorful flowers.

There is some type of old putty or paste on the right side rim edge, though the enameling on the rest of the plate is in good condition. Right behind it on the back side is a scratch or gouge to the aqua enamel where the copper base shows through. There are a couple of other smaller areas of enamel loss on the back of the plate. There's an applied foreign language mark in brick red, unreadable to me.

Manufacturer Asian Export
Price: $99.00
91.42 EUR 76.59 GBP 14,685 JPY